Privacy policy and cookies


This privacy policy specifies how this site uses and stores any information you provide when visiting it. We make every effort to protect your data, so you can rest assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy. Over time, the privacy policy may change – in this case, the new text will be posted on this page. We encourage you to visit it periodically to make sure you are happy with any changes.

A cookie is a small file sent to the visitor’s device when a visitor visits a website. The cookie helps to recognize you as a previous visitor to the site, to save the history of your visit to our site and to select the relevant content for you. This information contributes to improving the site to make it even more convenient.

What information do we collect?
We collect the following information:

  • Information to identify you as a visitor to the site;
  • Information on site traffic statistics.

How do we use cookies?
We use visiting tracking cookies to determine which pages are visited. It helps to analyze data on web page traffic and refine the webpage to fit your needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes.
A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, except the data you choose to share with us when visiting our website. You can choose to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change the browser settings if you want cookies to be rejected. It is important to know that, after rejecting cookies, some of the features on the site will no longer work.

List of cookies
Below it shows which cookies can be used, what information they contain and how long it is stored.

1. Cookie: cookie_notice_accepted
Moment of creation: It is created when you first visit a website.
Expiration time: 1 year.
Data used and its processing purposes: Used to save the cookie settings.

Opting out of cookies
You can change your permission to use cookies by changing settings and deleting saved cookies. You can do this by changing your browser settings. You can find the most commonly used browser settings by clicking on the following links:

Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites. When you use these links and visit other web pages, you should know that we do not control them. For this reason, we cannot be held responsible for the protection and privacy of any information you provide when visiting such websites. You should act responsibly and familiarize yourself with their privacy policies.